Name: Diana Navarro

Major at Baruch College: Industrial Psychology, M.S.
Graduation Year: 1996
School within Baruch College: Baruch College
Company and Title: This is Diana (

1. Tell us about what you do in your role as an Director at Northwestern University.


2. What made you interested in education and what drives you in your current profession?

The desire for balance, balance, balance. In work life, whatever work we may do, we need health and wellness to sustain us. Historically, we have been unbalanced in the world of work. I personally have worked in many jobs and started very early. I was inspired by consultants coming into one of the jobs who advised management, and their specialty was Industrial Psychology.

3. What were some unique challenges you faced throughout your professional career and how did you overcome them?

Unique challenges were overworking myself to illness. Not balancing my mind, body and spirit to the point of disability. I insisted on working with what I had, my mind and searched for ways to gain and maintain balance. This took many years and still continues. However, it is working and I can now share this through my purpose-driven passion.

4. How was your experience at Baruch like? How did Baruch impact your life and career?

I love CUNY. I did my BA at Lehman and wanted to stay at CUNY and eventually applied to Baruch for the Master’s program. I enjoyed the diversity, pace, and most definitely openness of the professors I had.

5. What is one of your favorite memories you have from your time at Baruch?

Going to the library and meeting like-minded classmates.

6. Do you have any advice for current Baruch students and alumni?

The world needs help in understanding work behavior and how it is part of the whole of life. Keep that in mind in whatever sub-field you do. Though my work is in the holistic field, work behavior and work life is some of my favorite subjects. Whether someone is a traditional organization, independent worker-freelancer) or entrepreneur. Because they are all fertile ground for creativity and innovation.

7. How can people contact you?